Rahul Bhardwaj - Software Developer

A passionate developer creating quality designs & code!

I’m Rahul, a developer based in Gurgaon,India. I like building stuff and learning new technologies. In my free time I work on cool projects.

I design/develop web applications using React.Js, Node.Js, REST APIs, GraphQL, PostgreSQL.

I am upskilling myself everyday!

My work

Projects, I'm most proud of

Sentiment Analysis Web App

Web application that predicts the sentiment of a sentence or paragraph using the LSTM and CNN deep learning models. Trained on the sentiment-140 dataset.

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This web app shows the visualization of the very popular a-star(A*) algorithm at every step. The application was made with Next.js in TypeScript.

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Hygge is forum website I made, using Next.js, TypeORM and PostreSQL as the database. The frontend is made with tailwind. One can create communities and posts in it.

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Moe Chat

Meo chat is a real time chat application made using Go and Gin. Just choose your name and color and chat away! No email/password required!

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Companies I've had the pleasure of working with.


Creating amazing software

w/ TypeScript, React, NodeJs

Feb, 2023


Aug, 2022

Jan, 2023


Worked upon the backend of the web application

w/ TypeScript, NodeJs, PostgreSQL

Made with ❤️


Click to see my resume!

Rahul Bhardwaj - Software Developer

A passionate developer creating quality designs & code!

I’m Rahul, a developer based in Gurgaon,India. I like building stuff and learning new technologies. In my free time I work on cool projects.

I design/develop web applications using React.Js, Node.Js, REST APIs, GraphQL, PostgreSQL.

I am upskilling myself everyday!

My work

Projects, I'm most proud of.

Sentiment Analysis Web App

Web application that predicts the sentiment of a sentence or paragraph using the LSTM and CNN deep learning models. Trained on the sentiment-140 dataset.

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This web app shows the visualization of the very popular a-star(A*) algorithm at every step. The application was made with Next.js in TypeScript.

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Hygge is forum website I made, using Next.js, TypeORM and PostreSQL as the database. The frontend is made with tailwind. One can create communities and posts in it.

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Moe Chat

Meo chat is a real time chat application made using Go and Gin. Just choose your name and color and chat away! No email/password required!

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Companies, I’ve had the pleasure of working with


February, 2022 - Present

Creating amazing software

w/ TypeScript, React, NodeJs


August, 2022 - January, 2023

Worked upon the backend of the web application

w/ TypeScript, NodeJs, PostgreSQL

Made with ❤️


Tap to see my resume!